Friday, April 29, 2011


Dissertation- Turned in my final-ish copy of my dissertation today, and hoping the format nazis overlook any minor mistakes.  I am so ready to be done with this thing and I hope I never look at it again.  Unless I am working on an actual paper coming from it for publication.  

Running-  I didn't know if I would have time for running today so instead of riding a bus or taking a cab to a meeting with a collaborator at his office, I ran there.  Two miles in less than thirty minutes, wearing jeans, a button up shirt, and carrying my backpack.  The cab drivers going up Main road towards downtown couldn't help but stop and make sure I didn't want a ride.  I still can't help but admire how hard these guys work(described in an earlier post), of course I declined. 

Taste of America-After the meeting, my wife picked me up.  On the turn out of his office, there is a McDonalds, we both noticed it, and for some reason we both had a craving.  Since we've been here we haven't eaten much fast food and haven't stepped into a Mc and Donalds, as my little niece calls them, since we took her to one back in late January or early February.  I had a Big Mac meal and my wife had chicken nuggets and fries. I was surprised at how similar the products are even here in Africa.  Everything from the marketing, to the silly uniforms, to the taste of the food.  This was the first place we have been to which actually provides real ketchup with the fries.  Most places provide tomato sauce which is an awful imitation of ketchup.  The only difference I saw was the accent of the underpaid worker.  My wife did notice that the nuggets were "smokier" and barbecue sauce was different and didn't like it.  Personally, I didn't think they were smokier.  I did get into some trouble, she wanted to taste the hamburger but I ate it all even though she told me she wanted to taste the secret sauce.  Apparently I'm a pig and don't listen.   

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